How can my business or group


We need your help.

As a business, you can use your resources to help support the moms, dads, and babies of South Hampton Roads. Partner with CPC and save lives, spare hearts, and spread the gospel of Jesus.  Click below to learn more about the three ways you can get involved.


 Our LIFEkeepers are monthly/regular donors who are foundational to the daily operations of the ministry. They are partnered with us in this battle for LIFE.


Partner with CPC by sponsoring one or more of our events, and let people know that your business supports LIFE.

Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) is a non-profit organization with a mission to defend LIFE by supporting women unprepared for pregnancy. CPC exists to save lives, spare hearts, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ here in South Hampton Roads. Click here to learn more.

If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, call us at 757.499.4444 to make an appointment.

© Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater 2021 • Donor Privacy PolicyInternet Privacy Policy • Supported by Grace at Work