Why this matters

Chrystal’s Story


“That was when I knew that God had answered my prayers, and He wanted me to know that He had my back!”


The day that I found out I was pregnant didn’t seem like reality to me. I was confused, hurt, and excited all at the same time. Having a child is supposed to be an exciting moment; however, my emotions were conflicted. I felt an irrational sadness.

I wasn’t ready to take on any more responsibility after previously raising two children out of wedlock. I had made a promise to God that I wasn’t going to allow myself to be put into that situation again.

I struggled for days and nights deciding if I wanted to continue the pregnancy. I blamed myself for making another irrational decision, and I made abortion one of my main options. I had scheduled five appointments to end the pregnancy, but something wouldn’t allow me to go through with the decision each time.

During this time of decision-making, I visited CPC’s pregnancy medical clinics. They were welcoming and very understanding. I joined the Great Expectations parenting classes during my eleventh week of pregnancy. Meanwhile, I had not decided what I wanted to do.

On the first day of class, I started to feel a change in my decision. The instructors were explaining how God doesn’t make mistakes and how exciting it is to be expecting.

During class, I prayed and asked God to continue to guide me. He for sure guided me, because at the end of class I won the first door prize—a box of diapers! That was when I knew that God had answered my prayers, and He wanted me to know that He had my back!

He guided me more and more with each week that passed. Although I was still a bit confused, CPC and their Great Expectations classes continued to encourage me to keep going. They uplifted me and redirected my decision. I looked forward to meeting every week and was excited to learn and chat.

CPC was a blessing to me and my children. They supported all of us in so many ways. They re-educated me on things I needed to know to prepare for my baby, and they showered me with so many gifts before and after my pregnancy. I was able to build a family with my Great Expectations Parenting Class, and I felt so loved. CPC was such a blessing to me and my son, Noel.