How can my church or ministry


We need your help.

Your church or ministry has a unique and valuable platform in our community. Use it to partner with CPC and save lives, spare hearts, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ here in South Hampton Roads.  Click any of the items below to learn more about the ways your church can get involved.


LIFEday is a day for your ministry to set aside time to speak up for the value and sanctity of all human LIFE.

LIFEchange Campaign

Your spare change can change lives. Encourage your church or ministry to support CPC in a fun and easy way.

Walk for LIFE

Every year, CPC hosts a fundraising Walk. Encourage members of your church or ministry to raise funds and Walk for LIFE!


CPC is a gospel-focused ministry. Consider adding CPC to you church’s missions budget.


Our volunteers are absolutely crucial to the success of our ministry. Learn about volunteer opportunities through this ministry.