‘It’s about Him and the things He’s done’

You’ve heard him say, “See you ’round the neighborhood,” and seen his face on TV. Gerry Rogers, of Mr. Rogers Windows, is well known around South Hampton Roads. But did you also know he’s a friend and faithful partner of CPC? In this exclusive interview, Gerry and his wife, Jennifer, share about their faith, how they steward their business, and why partnering with CPC is so important to them.


Our readers are probably familiar with your business, and many of them know you support CPC. Would you be willing to share how God saved you?

JENNIFER: As a child, I walked the aisle and prayed the prayer. But when I was 23, I thought, do I really believe in God if I’m doing this and that? So that night, I was with a group of my friends. I said, yeah, I need to be saved. Right there, in my friend’s house, I prayed and asked Jesus to come in my heart.

GERRY: I never really understood about a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. It wasn’t until I joined a church here. They had a speaker come in by the name of Rick Amato. He’s a New York Italian, so he tells it like it is. When he made his altar call, I found myself getting up and going forward. I finally confessed my sin and asked [Jesus] to come into my life. When I opened my eyes, my mom was standing there right next to me. It was one of the greatest moments of my life because she got saved that day, too. A few weeks later, we got baptized together. She went home to be with the Lord, and I look forward to the day I can be with her again.

How do you live out your faith in your daily life?

GERRY: I get up early and spend no less than an hour, usually two, reading Scripture, listening to a message, or down on my knees crying out to the Lord to protect us, our family, from the sin Satan’s trying to call me into—then reminding myself of God’s Word and how He wants me to carry out my life.

At work, we are not shy about our faith. We are going through a three-year study of the Bible, and we have a group of guys that meet every Wednesday morning at 6:30. We’re also proud of the organizations we support—CPC being one of them—and we get [our employees] involved every chance we can. When I was young, developing this business, I thought it was all about me. Then God showed me it wasn’t. Now He’s said: I want you to do something with it. At this point, it’s about Him and the things He’s done.

Thank you for helping make the ministry of the new Great Expectations Parenting Support Center (PSC) a reality. Why did you support the project?

GERRY: When [families] show up at CPC, they’re in crisis mode. I liken it to a visit to the ER. They do everything they can to fix the emergency right away. But once they fix it, they don’t throw you back on the street. They help you through the process. These folks just went through a trauma. By God’s grace, they were saved from making a decision they might have regretted. Now we have to come alongside and help them through the next step. God does most of his work through the family, right? If we can save one family and keep them together, just imagine the work that family can do for the kingdom.

You are also a monthly supporter of CPC. LIFEkeepers, as we call them, undergird our ministry in an immeasurable way. Why are you passionate about the ministry of CPC?

JENNIFER: That little baby is a life. And not only are you saving that little baby’s life; think about the guilt and shame these moms are going to carry for the rest of their lives if they have an abortion. That’s huge! We have to love them and encourage them to keep that baby.

GERRY: It’s the unborn, the unprotected, the helpless—something that was created by God. Jesus had such a heart for the little ones. If we’re not going to protect them, who’s going to do it? God created them, and we have to do what we can to give them that chance at life.


Interview edited for brevity and clarity.