Hailey’s Story
“Oh my God, You heard me. You heard my prayers!”
“I almost committed suicide before I found out I was pregnant,” shares Hailey, a patient of CPC’s pregnancy medical clinics. Hailey was going through a breakup and was homeless at the time. “I was driving in my car, and I was talking to God, and I was like, just please show me why I’m here, because I don’t know.”
But something—or Someone made Hailey turn around. A few weeks later, she found out she was pregnant. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, You heard me. You heard my prayers!’”
Initially, Hailey was in shock, as she didn’t think she was able to carry a child. Her sister suggested she reach out to CPC. “They were so sweet and so welcoming and so calming. … They didn’t give me an inkling of feeling judged or any uncertainty.”
There, she saw her 12-week-old baby on an ultrasound for the first time. “Honestly, seeing him and actually believing that I was pregnant—it literally changed my life. I became a mom in that moment.”
The CPC staff was excited for Hailey and her new baby, and they called throughout her pregnancy to see how she and her baby were doing. “To see so many people excited for me and happy that I’m happy, and happy that the baby is happy—it was just insane to me,” she remembers. “I never thought I would feel welcomed anywhere like I had there.”
Now, Hailey recommends CPC to other uncertain new moms. “From that moment I walked into CPC’s pregnancy medical clinic, my life has completely changed, and I’m so thankful.”