How does our top Walk for LIFE fundraising church raise SO much money?

An Interview with Pastor Greg Brinson


London Bridge


London Bridge Baptist Church (LBBC) was our top fundraising church at last year’s Walk for LIFE, raising an incredible $60,240 with 63 Fundraising Walkers! We are so grateful for their partnership in the gospel! In this interview, Senior Pastor Greg Brinson shares with us why his church values LIFE and how they speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Why is supporting the mission of CPC and standing for LIFE important to you?

The mission of CPC is to value all life through support, encouragement, and resourcing expectant moms. As a church, we support the mission because it is biblical. God creates all humans in His image and likeness, therefore, all life, both the preborn and born, has dignity and value and must be protected.

Your church does an amazing job raising funds for Walk for LIFE! How do you motivate your congregation to get so involved?

First, we teach them how supporting Walk for LIFE connects to our beliefs concerning God as creator, the giver of all LIFE. Second, we set a goal and get each area of the church’s ministry (Adults, Youth, and Children) involved. We share testimonies of how God has used the Walk for LIFE to save lives and change lives. We promote it from the pulpit and through every ministry. The Lord always blesses!

Have you seen God work though the members of the church in a particular way that you’d like to share about?

We have multiple women in our church who have personal experience with receiving support from the Crisis Pregnancy Center when they needed help, and their testimonies motivate us to keep supporting CPC. God has used CPC to bring comfort and healing into the lives of many, and we want to continue our support.

How would you encourage other churches to take the next step toward caring for the preborn and their families in our community?

We all have to remember: The lives of the preborn are precious to our God. There is no greater JOY than  seeing God take our resources and use them to save lives and change lives, all in the name of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have seen it firsthand! Please join forces with CPC, and then rejoice with us in the multiple testimonies of lives saved, families healed, and lives transformed.