Over 700 more appointment slots per year!

This new exam room will allow us to book over 700 more appointments each year to serve the moms, dads, and families that seek our services every day.


On June 16, 2022, we officially opened our second exam room in our Norfolk pregnancy medical clinic. This exciting milestone would not have been possible without the generous donation of a faithful supporter who paid for our new ultrasound machine as a loving tribute to his wife, nor without Trinity Church who paid for the costs to renovate the space.

This new exam room will allow us to book over 700 more appointments each year to serve the moms, dads, and families that seek our services every day. Being able to offer an appointment to serve these patients on the same day that they call is a vital way in which we are pressing on in our efforts to save the lives of more children and care for more moms and dads than ever before. We are thankful for these generous donations that are helping us stand firm and press on for LIFE!