A Message from Toby

Dear friend, 

It’s rare for me to share something like this with you, especially at this time of year. I don’t often step into the political arena, and CPC is not a political organization. However, what is developing right now is so significant for the preborn children and their families in Virginia that it’s important you are aware. 

Next month, legislation will be introduced into the Virginia General Assembly to amend our state’s constitution, making it virtually impossible to protect preborn children from abortion in our commonwealth. This amendment will cement the “right to reproductive freedom” into Virginia’s constitution, enshrining a woman’s ability to end the life of her preborn child, regardless of how far along she is in pregnancy.  

Virginia is already a pro-abortion state. Currently, women can abort their children at any point in their pregnancy with few restrictions. This constitutional amendment will put those remaining restrictions in jeopardy and impede any future effort to offer any protection of children in the womb—even up to the moment before birth. So horrific! 

Right now, I want to ask you to pray against the passing of this constitutional amendment that will allow unfettered abortion in our commonwealth. Pray for wisdom for our lawmakers, and that they will not neglect “the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness” (Matt. 23:23; ESV).  

Next month is Sanctity of Human Life month, and we will be celebrating LIFE with churches all around South Hampton Roads. What an important moment to remind our community of the value of LIFE. We will also share more about this amendment with you as we get more information in the new year, including how you can help prevent Virginia from going down this disastrous path. 

God bless you and thank you for standing with us. 

With you for LIFE, 

Toby DeBause
President of Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater