Volunteer Reference

Thank you for taking the time to refer a potential volunteer for Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater.

Your Name(Required)
Applicant's Name(Required)

The above-named individual has submitted an application to volunteer for the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater. A volunteer provides support to women facing unplanned pregnancies.

Some of the qualities sought in a volunteer are:

- A genuine commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives.
- A dependable, responsible attitude; a willingness to give of themselves to the women with whom they work.
- A steadfast and faithful confidence in the Word of God and an ability to communicate its truth.

We have asked each applicant to supply us with two references; one from their pastor and one from someone who knows them well. Would you please answer the questions below and write a short paragraph describing the applicant with particular emphasis on the qualities outlined above.

How would you rate the applicant regarding:
Spiritual maturity(Required)
Communication skills(Required)
Submission to authority(Required)

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY