Volunteer Reference Thank you for taking the time to refer a potential volunteer for Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater. Your Name(Required) First Last Applicant's Name(Required) First Last The above-named individual has submitted an application to volunteer for the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater. A volunteer provides support to women facing unplanned pregnancies. Some of the qualities sought in a volunteer are: - A genuine commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives. - A dependable, responsible attitude; a willingness to give of themselves to the women with whom they work. - A steadfast and faithful confidence in the Word of God and an ability to communicate its truth. We have asked each applicant to supply us with two references; one from their pastor and one from someone who knows them well. Would you please answer the questions below and write a short paragraph describing the applicant with particular emphasis on the qualities outlined above. How long have you known the applicant?(Required)What is your relationship to the applicant?(Required) How would you rate the applicant regarding:Dependability(Required) Below Average Average Above Average Spiritual maturity(Required) Below Average Average Above Average Communication skills(Required) Below Average Average Above Average Cooperation(Required) Below Average Average Above Average Compassion/Mercy(Required) Below Average Average Above Average Submission to authority(Required) Below Average Average Above Average Initiative(Required) Below Average Average Above Average Please provide any additional comments about the applicant.Signature(Required)Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Δ