‘Blessings waiting for me’

Abigail’s Story

See Abigail’s Testimonial Video Below


“Not a lot of people talk about the difficult parts of unplanned pregnancies in a positive way, but I learned just how many blessings were waiting for me, and there are so many more to come.”

I sat on the edge of the couch, looking at a positive pregnancy test. My boyfriend and I had split two months prior, and we didn’t feel like we could raise a family together because of personal differences. Although I still loved him, I was shocked to my core, scared, and totally lost. How was I going to tell anyone? My family is Christian, and I knew the path I was on would let them down.

What was I going to do with my ex? What am I going to do with the baby? What about all our problems? What about school? I need to finish college. I can’t afford a baby…. I don’t want a baby…at least not now, not like this…oh no! My body! I’m going to be ruined! What was I going to do?! This was my inner dialogue for about two months.

As a biology major, I knew the cell was the building block of life, and though some may have called my baby “just a clump of cells,” I knew that meant it was a clump of life. When I thought about abortion, my faith convinced me not to; I decided to keep the baby.

However (this is very hard for me to admit publicly) I remember hoping for a miscarriage. I was selfish and immature, and I realize that now. However, at the time I was young and lost, totally unprepared for what God was giving me.

When we found CPC, it was like I was drowning, and someone gave me an oxygen mask. It wasn’t just the amazing medical care they offered but how understanding they are about every situation and emotional state.

I never felt pressured, judged, or mocked. They poured love on me from the minute I stepped inside. CPC gave us someone to talk to who cared for us and actually listened. The Advocate gave us parenting and adoption resources, prayed over our relationship, and even told us about their Great Expectations class. The nurse gave me prenatal vitamins and a sonogram!

When I saw my “little human gummy bear,” as I called him on the sonogram, it hit me for the first time that this was real. He was so cute, dancing around inside me! I kept rewatching that eight-second clip. For the first time, we felt like we were not alone.

CPC does not only care about babies in the womb; they also show their love and support after birth! At the classes, we could get all types of baby stuff. They gave us diapers, wipes, clothes, blankets, bibs, and burp cloths—all for free! I recall once, when I was pregnant and very sick, one of the ladies went grocery shopping for me and delivered it to my house so I could rest. She did it all for me and all I had to do was send her a list. I will never forget her kindness and how it made me feel to be loved by a stranger.

Their kindness, along with my boyfriend’s support, carried and empowered me all through my pregnancy. His presence, especially as the father, was incredibly life changing for both me and my baby. He took up his role as a dad wonderfully, and I’m sure it was not easy. It was a difficult season, emotionally and mentally, for both of us to navigate, but with each other as support, we reconnected and began to rebuild our relationship.

We had a courthouse wedding in June, just one day after my brother married his wife. My parents were shocked and overjoyed to gain a son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and grandbaby all in one weekend. Seeing my family grow like that made me realize that my decision was not only about me, but it also changed my brother and sisters into aunts and uncles and my parents into grandparents. It brought my now-husband back into my life, along with a wonderful group of new mom friends in the classes I attended after my decision to keep Asher.

My little baby gave my life so much meaning. He gave me my husband, my new friends, a church community, and a CPC community. He has done more for me than I have for him, and he doesn’t even realize it. It is ironic that I was lost and in the wrong crowd, hoping someone would want me, and God gave me someone who needs me. God’s planning is always perfect.

Not a lot of people talk about the difficult parts of unplanned pregnancies in a positive way, but I learned just how many blessings were waiting for me, and there are so many more to come.


Testimony edited for brevity and clarity.