Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater’s 2023

Annual Report

Even as the deep darkness of abortion continues to grow and spread across our land, we know that the darkness can never overcome the light because the light is Jesus. Here at CPC, we will continue to boldly SHINE His light, we will continue to speak the truth in love, and we will be a voice for the voiceless so that more men, women, and families can choose LIFE with confidence for their precious, pre-born children.

Making a Difference

launched NEW clinic in portsmouth

By God’s grace, we converted our Portsmouth location into our fourth ultrasound clinic in 2023. This new location allows us to offer more LIFE-revealing ultrasound appointments to women and families and will be used to save more lives for years to come.


CPC opened a first-of-its-kind Great Expectations Parenting Support Center. This new facility will serve as a centralized storage and distribution facility for all the baby items we provide to our patients and their families. In addition, it will provide dedicated classroom space for our Great Expectations parenting class program and will house advocacy services for women and families seeking our help.


In 2023, CPC’s monthly expenses were met, in large part, due to the faithful giving of many monthly donors who we call LIFEkeepers. The support from our LIFEkeepers keeps our ministry running year after year!
Join their ranks, and your giving could mean the difference between LIFE and death for thousands here in South Hampton Roads.

walk for life

The Walk for LIFE is CPC’s largest fundraising event. In 2023, we had 1,090 Fundraising Walkers from 152 organizations and churches raise a total of $712,139.67. Additionally, 188 Ambassadors served across South Hampton Roads promoting the Walk for LIFE. We rely on the funds raised through the Walk for LIFE all year long.


Spare change changes lives! In 2023, 129 churches and groups passed out baby bottles to fill with spare change, cash, and/or checks. In total, these groups raised $180,967.46 to help save lives, spare hearts, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. When you launch a campaign, CPC supplies the bottles and will send you a tally of the total your church raised after the bottles are returned!