2024 Annual Benefit Banquet

July 2024

Dear Friends,

The battle for LIFE is stronger than ever before. A recent report1 shared that abortions are up in the US, with more than one million babies aborted last year. These are the little ones that we know about. Many more of these deaths do not get reported because of the online access of abortion pills that arrive by mail, even in states where abortion is considered banned.

But, amid this, we know that Jesus came to give ABUNDANT LIFE. And we’re all about LIFE! That’s why we operate four pregnancy medical clinics and one satellite resource center across all five cities of South Hampton Roads; that’s why we spend tens of thousands of dollars a year in Google advertising to reach abortion-determined women; and that’s why we’ve expanded our call center hours to be open seven days a week!

Clearly, we want LIFE for the men, women, and families we serve, but the truth is that we want more than that. By caring for these families, working with local churches to share the gospel, and providing the baby supplies they desperately need through our new Parenting Support Center, we show that we want them to experience the ABUNDANT LIFE Jesus offers. That’s why our Annual Benefit Banquet is so important.


The Annual Benefit Banquet is one of CPC’s largest and most crucial fundraisers!

You see, the Annual Benefit Banquet is our largest source of monthly financial partners, whom we call LIFEkeepers. Without them, our monthly support would dwindle, and we would be unable to sustain what we do. It is our goal to see ALL expenses for the banquet covered, which will enable 100% of the donations received to directly benefit the LIFE-saving ministry of the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater. To put it simply, we can’t do this without you!

Will you help us reach this goal by August 31, 2024?

Please prayerfully consider helping us cover the expenses of this year’s banquet. Click the button below to help us reach this goal.

For ABUNDANT LIFE with you,


Toby DeBause
President of Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater

P.S. Thank you for your love and support of CPC, and for prayerfully considering this request. Call 757.410.9703 to speak with a member of our Community Relations team if you have any questions.

1 McPhillips, Deidre. “US Abortions Reach Highest Level in over a Decade, Sparked by Surge in Medication Abortion.” CNN, CNN, 19 Mar. 2024, www.cnn.com/2024/03/18/health/abortion-data-guttmacher/index.html



  • Two reserved seats
  • Recognition in event program
  • Thank you gift


  • Two reserved seats
  • Recognition in event program*
  • Thank you gift
  • Recognition on screen at event*


  • Two reserved seats (preferred seating)
  • Half page recognition in event program*
  • Recognition on screen at event*
  • Thank you gift


  • Two reserved seats at one of the head tables
  • Full page recognition in event program*
  • Recognition on screen at event*
  • Thank you gift
*Dependent on print deadlines. Logo and all content must be received by September 30th.
Submit your logo here.